Why AI Assistants are the Future of AI - And How You Can Build One

Build 3 AI Assistants in the Build With AI Cohort!

The Power of AI in Content Creation

I define Power as the ability to turn thought into reality. AI, when used properly, increases your power instantly. Things you thought were impossible have suddenly become possible, if you can write the prompt to get the AI to do it.

But writing the prompt is just the first step.

In my efforts using AI, prompts are nice, but I prefer to just have a conversation.

Which is why I have built 9 (and counting) AI assistants in the past 2 months to help me:

  1. Teach others my frameworks so I can save precious personal time and

  2. Execute various tasks that I do daily, weekly, and monthly

These assistants were built using OpenAI’s new feature called GPTs. Anyone with ChatGPT Pro can build one. The app store for them goes live next week! These GPTs will be like the app store. You don’t want to miss out on this opportunity for personalized enhancement and money making opportunities.

One of these AI assistants, the Newsletter Ninja, was used in the writing of this newsletter.

With Newsletter Ninja, the process of turning a mere concept into a fully-realized newsletter is astonishingly fast, without any compromise on quality (which I’m a huge fan of). Here are the steps that my Newsletter Ninja guides me through to write this newsletter:

  1. Understanding the Problem and Audience: It begins with identifying the core issue my newsletter will address and understanding who it's for. Newsletter Ninja helps me clarify these aspects, ensuring the content is targeted and relevant.

  2. Crafting a Compelling Hook: Capturing the reader's attention from the start is crucial. My Newsletter Ninja assists in creating hooks that are not only engaging but also reflective of the newsletter's key message. You’re likely here because it did a good job ;)

  3. Outlining the Content: Structuring the newsletter is a vital step. Newsletter Ninja aids in organizing my thoughts and ideas, ensuring a logical and coherent flow that resonates with readers, and sticks to the originally presented problem.

  4. Writing and Refining: From drafting the initial content to refining the final piece, Newsletter Ninja plays a key role, first in drafting each section, then offering suggestions, corrections, and enhancements to make each newsletter a high-quality piece.

  5. Finalizing the Call-to-Action: The last step is to encourage readers to take a specific action, and here, Newsletter Ninja ensures that this call-to-action is clear, compelling, and effective.

This streamlined process is now executed by my Newsletter Ninja. This has saved me countless hours while elevating the standard of my newsletters. It's a perfect demonstration of how AI can amplify our capabilities in content creation.

But this is just scratching the surface.

The concept of an AI assistant as a guide through structured steps in a process is applicable in any industry.

Using AI Assistants for Systemized Tasks

The diverse applications of AI assistants demonstrate their potential far beyond just content creation, opening doors to a myriad of possibilities across various industries and tasks. My personal experience in building specialized AI assistants highlights their transformative impact.

  1. Prompt Wizard: An AI assistant adept at refining and generating prompts, enhancing the effectiveness and precision of AI interactions, for even extremely .

  2. PromptChainer: Designed to help you create prompts that can be chained together to completely automate processes with AI. This one is really cool.

  3. Python Mentor: A bot that emulates my teaching style for Python programming, offering a personalized learning experience, much like how I would instruct in person.

These AI assistants are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what's possible. The applications can extend to numerous fields:

  • Financial Planning: An AI assistant in financial management could analyze market trends, assist in budgeting, and predict future financial scenarios, aiding both individuals and businesses.

  • Market Research: Another AI assistant could focus on market research, gathering data, analyzing consumer behavior, and offering key business insights (I helped a client of mine use AI to analyze trends in data yesterday).

  • Client Support and Duplication of Self: Imagine an AI assistant that can duplicate your expertise, offering immediate value to clients seeking answers. This bot could handle inquiries, provide expert advice, and maintain the quality of interaction that clients expect from you personally.

The adaptability of AI assistants in managing various systemized tasks is remarkable. This transition from manual action to AI-assisted execution of tasks will put our planet into hyper drive (or maybe even plaid, if you get the reference).

As we delve deeper into the realm of AI, building your own AI assistant becomes a tangible and compelling next step. Whether it's for routine tasks or complex problem-solving, a personalized AI assistant can drastically transform how you approach and manage your work, mirroring your methods and maintaining your standard of quality.

So let’s get into it!

Building Your Own AI Assistant

By following a structured process, you can create an assistant that not only meets your specific needs but also opens new possibilities in how you approach tasks and solve problems. (Like generating images for content on the spot!)

Here's the process for building a multistep prompt that can be used as instructions for an AI assistant:

  1. Assign a Role and Outcome: Define the role of your AI assistant and the outcome you want to achieve with it. This step sets the foundation for what your assistant will be designed to do. Instruct it specifically “To do this, you guide the user through the following steps.”

  2. Outline the Steps for the Outcome: Develop a step-by-step outline to achieve the desired outcome. Give each step a title for clarity and structure.

  3. Detail Each Step’s Instructions: Provide detailed instructions for each step so that your AI assistant can guide the user through the process effectively.

  4. Set Criteria for Progression: Decide on specific criteria that must be met before moving on to the next step. This can be prompt wide, or for each specific step. This ensures that each phase of the process is completed to your satisfaction before advancing. I can’t state how important this step is. Without it your assistant will often try to perform every step in the chain.

If you follow the steps, you should have a prompt that has the following structure:

Goal and Role: {Your AI's Goal and Role}

To do this, you guide the user through the following steps.

Step 1 - {Title}

{Step 1 instructions}

Step 2 - {Title}

{Step 2 instructions}


You work step by step. You do not move on to the next step until the user has approved the output for the current step and says you may continue.

Once you’ve built the instructions you can paste them into OpenAI’s GPT service and you’re off to the races (ChatGPT Pro is required for this).

Because building these systemized assistants can be a bit tedious, I have an AI assistant that I’ve built to help you turn your proprietary systems into instructions like above.

I call it my Multistep Assistant Builder.

You can get access to it as part of the Build With AI cohort that is starting this Wednesday, January 10th.

Hopefully you see that building personalized AI assistants that help you with your daily work is a massive game changer, and will quickly become a necessity in the future.

I want you at the forefront of using AI in your field! I want you crushing it at life, saving time, potentially making more money, because AI is executing on your behalf.

I want you to feel powerful.

If those are things you want, then Build With AI was created for you.

Throughout the 1 month cohort, you will be guided through my frameworks for prompting AI to increase your power. You will create 3 personalized AI assistants for yourself by the end of the cohort.

These 3 assistants will be designed by you, based on your unique requirements.

Lastly, they can be sold on the OpenAI GPT store that opens up next week. You will be at the forefront of your field building assistants to power yourself up, share with others, and potentially sell.

It’s going to be AMAZING! I can’t wait!

The Build With AI Guarantee:

If you build yourself 3 assistants with my frameworks, and use ChatGPT daily, you will save 5 hours/week.

If you don’t I’ll give you all of your money back.

You can check out the offer below.

The doors close on January 9th!

I’m excited to help you build with AI, and not fear it.

Your friend and AI coach,
Sterling Long!

P.S. You’ll also get access to my Prompt Wizard and my PromptChainer when you sign up. The Prompt Wizard is (personally) crazy stupid fine. Click the button above to read more! I promise this is the absolute best way to get up to speed with AI on the market right now.

P.S.S. Thanks to my Newsletter Ninja, it took me less than an hour and a half to write and edit this newsletter! Heck yes!