And how I overcame that.

When ChatGPT first came out two years ago I was deep into software development in the cryptocurrency space.

ChatGPT was an instant boon to my software development work. 10Xing my output (easily). Boosting my income to $250+ per hour!

It was amazing, and terrifying.

It felt like AI was going to be able to replace me within the next couple of years.

I now believe this to be false. However, I lived in that terrified state for about a year. I actually ran away from AI and began skilling up in areas like coaching and sales so I had something to fall back on (which has been a MASSIVE blessing).

At the end of the day though, I rejected the call God gave me.

I ran away.

And got swallowed by a the whale of sales, coaching, and writing. AI was incredibly good at writing code (because code is VERY structured). AI was NOT amazing at writing like me (win!) which made me less scared it would replace me.

During the year I veered away from AI until a friend of mine, Luke Brocks, a fellow father and Christian said:

“It wasn’t until I started using ChatGPT in place of google that things really changed for me.”

My Boy Luke

So that’s what I started doing as well.

And that’s when things began shifting:

  1. I started to learn how to get ChatGPT and AI in general to SOUND LIKE ME!!

  2. I started embracing it as an AMPLIFIER of my dreams and not the destroyer of them.

  3. I started using AI daily to deliver on promises to clients, build software, draft proposals, and even write books! To build my DREAMS! =D

Now I believe that AI is the most powerful tool of our day.

And I’m on a mission to help experts like you use it daily to generate content that grows your business without wasting time on social media.

Right now I’m doing market research with experts so I can build an online course for you that solves your problems around content generation with AI!

I’ve done 16 so far with 6 more scheduled.

My goal: Do 40 before my birthday on February 5th.

Are you an expert that wants to get AI to sound like you?

I would love to understand your challenges around generating content for your business with AI so I can build a course that truly solves your problems and helps you build the dream and achieve the mission (so you can be your own greatest hero)!

Excited to interview you my friend!
Excited to discover your challenges!
Excited to serve you with everything I’ve got!

Sterling Long!