We Shall Slow Time (With AI)

Loyalty, family, AI voicebots, and time savings.

Yesterday as I was reading my scriptures, the most precious experience of my life happened.

My daughter saw me from across the room and immediately smiled.

Then she got down on all fours and crawled under the table and started climbing up my leg.

I had to make a choice: do I:

  1. Continue reading my scriptures? or

  2. Give all my attention to my daughter?

After a second of thought, I gave all my attention to my daughter.

So I crouched down in front of her.

Held her hands little. Danced a little jig. Saw her beautiful, toothless smile as she danced with me (and by dance I mean squat up and down and wave her arms around, it counts).


She’s getting some light reading in.

This past week I have been cruising hard on learning dozens of AI tools.

But I’m realizing that it’s not incredibly helpful to know how to use dozens of tools. Perhaps it’s useful to know of their existence, but until they become useful, there’s not really a reason to learn them. And a thought I had today: loyalty is sticking with a team or a tool even if it doesn’t (yet) meet all of your criteria.

It also doesn’t help me create time for my family (or my little daughter and dances).

So I’ve started reaching out to the owners of each of these tools.

I need (and want) to build my own loyalty towards them. Today I had the opportunity to speak with David Khaydatov (epic last name) about Thoughtly. We had an awesome conversation about what they are building and I was able to give them some feedback on their product.

In David’s own words “I want to build the best AI calling service in the world.”

I believe he can do it.

So far, Thoughtly is the best user experience for building your bot that I’ve found. No advanced skills needed. Some other features that come out of the box (but not in others):

  1. Integrated and easy to set up knowledge base for your bot (super easy)

  2. Amazingly easy to build a conversation flow into a bot (qualify customers, provide customer support etc.)

  3. Tag customers after a call based on what was discussed: User interested in X product, user wanted to learn more, user scheduled a call, etc.

David also said they will be integrating with HighLevel soon, and I couldn’t be more excited for that!

If you’re looking for an AI call center to setup to provide customer service or smooth out your workflows, Thoughtly is a team to keep an eye on.

Letting AI do my work for me, and focusing on interpersonal connections is one of the ways I am compressing and slowing time.

The productivity gains from AI, especially when you have the right tool, are insane. I’ve definitely felt them. And I want you to feel them as well.

So that we can both spend more time with our precious people.

If you’d like to use ChatGPT to slow your time with 5 hours of your week back (in less than 30 days), then check out the 30 Day AI Accelerator for Beginners.

5 hours per week saved, or your money back.

I promise it will be absolutely amazing. =)

See you there!

Your friend and AI coach,
Sterling Long!