Using AI Chatbots to Turn Traffic Into Sales

Learn to build one this week using HighLevel

For the past months I have been looking for generous people.

I’ve shed more than a couple of tears on my knees asking God to guide me to them. The first person I was lead to was my good friend Amir. He is by far the most patient, loving, and generous man that I have met in the past 2 years of my adventure.

And this week, my prayers to find more were answered.

  1. The CEO and founder of Empire Builders, Monica Kline, offered me a role I couldn’t refuse to help her entire company with AI automations and solutions.

  2. Another woman gave me a last minute opportunity to speak to her audience, and we are now planning another speaking gig to her broader audience.

  3. Lastly, while on a call with someone who took my course, she offered to get all of her coworkers together for me to teach them!

All of those things happened on Thursday, April 4th, this week.

And the best part is that last week I felt defeated (not beaten). God is good and guiding me to where I need to be. In conclusion I tell you this: If you do not stop, you are inevitable.

That’s the mantra have.

The game is infinite.

And it’s a lot more fun if you build a fortress of generous people to support you. Which is why I was praying for them. Now, I get the opportunity to be generous to them.

To serve them with the full force of my soul. This excites me. =)

One of the things I plan to build immediately for the Empire Builders is an AI chatbot that turns traffic into sales.

This is one of the coolest powers of generative AI. It can hold conversations on any topic. And if you train it on your program, with your content, and give it a goal in the conversation, it can sell your service for you.

There’s a lot of research to back this up:

  1. Conversational Design: This agency saw a 40% increase in lead conversion rates after switching from web-based forms to chatbots. Their project completion rates dropped from four months to three weeks, and cost per lead decreased by 200%​ (Userlike Live Chat)​.

  2. Perfecto Mobile: They saw their website conversion rate jump from 6% to 20% in six months, attributing this growth to the chatbot's ability to filter leads and streamline the process​ (Automation Switch)​.

  3. Charter Communications: Experienced a five-fold ROI increase in half a year, doubling the speed of processing customer queries through chatbots​ (Automation Switch)​.

  4. 3D Mats: By optimizing chatbot use for Facebook ads and inquiry rerouting, this online retailer achieved a 999% return on ad spend annually​ (Automation Switch)​.

  5. Leadpages: Found that welcome messages via their chatbot led to a 267% increase in chat conversations and a 36% increase in website conversion rates​ (Overthink Group)​.

So much more data I can share, but I believe these numbers speak for themselves.

And I’ll add: This is older data. Most of this doesn’t include conversational AI. The chatbots they were using were (mostly) menu based, unable to hold conversations with the individuals.

We now have the ability to train an AI on our programs and put that chatbot straight into a website to turn traffic into customers (or to better serve existing customers).

Beyond text based chats, you can also build AI assistants that can take and make calls, book meetings, answer questions (roast your friends), and more.

This week I’m running a challenge to show you how to build the following AI chatbots for your business:

  1. A chatbot that can respond to QA, and share testimonials with website visitors (a bubble that sits in the bottom right). This can also extend to responding to messages on Instagram, Facebook, and text messages automatically. This will be built using HighLevel.

  2. A chatbot that can take calls, or make calls to book meetings, invite people to events, etc. on your behalf using a software called SynthFlow that integrates with HighLevel.

This will all be built using a software called HighLevel. It will require no code. Most of these can be setup (from zero) in less than two hours.

The only cost to you is the software to make it work (99/mo for HighLevel, 25/mo for SynthFlow).

But the upside is more customers, or a higher ROI per customer. If you’re getting traffic but not much conversion, this is for you.

My challenge to you this week is to build at least one of these this week.

To help you build your chatbots, I’ll be going live in my Build With AI community every day from 1-2pm MDT this week.

You can join the community by clicking the button below:

I am beyond excited to implement these conversational AI’s into Empire Builders to help people know what they are buying before then get it, and to make it an amazing experience for everyone who joins the program.

Hop into the challenge this week and start turning traffic into sales with AI this week!

Your friend and coach,
Sterling Long!